Thursday, October 27, 2016

Para quem ainda lê...

Erico Veríssimo

Você ainda lê?  Ou está junto com a massa, somente rolando páginas de FB, Twitter, e tantos outros canais cheios de imagens, videos e poucas palavras coerentes?

Surpreendo-me quando leio algo bonito, bem escrito e sentido.  E gosto de divulgar!

O artigo que recomendo hoje é da arquiteta e tradutora Anita Di Marco. Escreveu muito bem, uma mistura de texto biográfico com caráter de resenha literária. Parabéns, Anita!  E obrigada pelas observações tão bem colocadas!  O final, então, me emocionou!  :)

Aqui  vai, compartilhando com todos que ainda gostam de ler! Artigos, livros, rótulos de shampoo, e tudo que nos ensina e nos diverte!


“I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.”

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Zero tolerance - time for change

This may sound like a political slogan, some kind of radical idea, a rebellious opposition of some sort.

What this is, actually, is all about YOU! And me, and all of us who think that tolerance is a virtue.

Tolerance and acceptance is commonly thought to be the same thing. It's a misunderstanding, in my way of seeing it.

Acceptance is divine; it's the awareness that it's time to stop fighting what you cannot change; and be okay with that.

Tolerance is not a divine acceptance; it's more like a self-imposed acceptance, which usually comes with sorrow. It feels like the end of the line; we have no other way out and because we "accept" our suffering so well, we expect praise and sympathy.

Most of us have lots of practice in tolerating, but not much in accepting things for what they are. The result, for what I have noticed, is unfulfilled lives, negative and unproductive habits, unhappy and sick people.

Then comes zero tolerance. What will happen if we don't tolerate things anymore? Wars? Catastrophes? Battles? Separation? Disorder?

Of course not!

Zero tolerance eventually leads to change. Zero tolerance sparkles creativity. Creation breeds positive thoughts and habits, which birth harmonious and happy lives.

When we stop tolerating, we find out better ways to go. 

Let's get to the root of this thought. How long have you been tolerating things you don't like or want for your life? People, traffic, your work, a worn out relationship perhaps, a life style that you don't enjoy, the global crises – your personal crises, even! Eventually, you get to a point that you are so accustomed to all that frustration that you don't even feel it anymore. You just keep going, and complaining, of course; but going. Feeling that you were born to suffer, or that is all normal, after all this is what life is all about. Isn't that what we have been told since we were born? Life is hard.

And so believing, you don't change your routes nor your destination. You don't dare to try, to move in another direction, to stop what you don't like experiencing. You just become so complacent and agreeable, that a more beautiful life escapes from you and you don't even realize it.

That state does not ignite any creativity or will to change, because you are comfortably tolerating it. But if you stop tolerating situations that you can actually change, new and positive patterns will be immediately created. When you consciously, by your own choice, stop the suffering routine (mental suffering, primarily) favorable and productive habits take place. Then is when you realize you can recreate your story.

You must start it at once if you really want to change what you don't like in your life. Be it your hair, your weight, your bank account, your work, your health, your relationship with others or with yourself. Be aware, though, that things will only change when you truly change your state of mind (from passive martyr to creative doer). You MUST stop tolerating things and you must look for creative alternatives – they are all there, dancing in front of you. But you can only see them when you stop tolerating and embracing the unfavorable situations. This is the starting point.

Then, what's next? It's time to own your inner power. It's time to dismiss old patterns and beliefs that are represented through your thoughts and words. So, change them. Observe your thoughts: are they permeated with "poor-me" feelings? Self-pity, anger, frustration, fear, disbelief in a better tomorrow, apathy, sensation that everything is meaningless... all these and more are unproductive states. And they let you down and bring you back to tolerating everything. To change that state of stuckness, acknowledge those feelings and sensations and say to yourself, with intention, "Stop! I no longer need to feel these feelings and tolerate this situation! I can do better than that!"

And so you have taken the firsts steps: stopped tolerance and stuckness, and recognized your feeling patterns. Now observe your words. Are they congruent with the new pattern of thoughts and feelings? If not, they need adjustments, too. When you are ready to say in the morning, "Shit! It's raining again!" just observe yourself first, and instead of saying it out of a habit, just don't. If you can't yet say anything that sounds better than that, simply don't say anything. More pleasant words will come with time. For now, just dismiss that angry thought. Recognize it, and without judgment just say goodbye. Let it go. And the words will go along.

Changing thought and word patterns is the foundation for constructing favorable habits. Observe how smoothly things will start changing from that point on. You will become stronger, more confident and creative to change those situations you once thought you had to tolerate. All because you chose and decided to say no to the unpleasant and say yes to creative, loving, and life-changing thoughts.

Yes, you can be the change you want to see. Start being it right now!

Rose T.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

How often do you put the garbage out?

There is an infinite number of articles to read online. From Look-At-Me blogs to How-To's to useless celebrities and political news. I know many people who read them all, and follow up on TV, too. It's an avalanche of information, non-stop. All types and all levels of quality. And most people absorb all of that, not even thinking or questioning what's behind it all.

Such information overload (in most cases, poorly written information, and never mind the brainwashing and the hidden agendas) results, for many, in "intentional ignorance". That's what happened to me. I came to a point where I shut off. I just decided to stop following the garbage truck like an eager dog. Enough of biased, poorly written, formulaic articles!
Lack of value. All internet articles now seem to be written by the same person – they lack originality, they are all equally sales-y, long, repetitive, treating the readers as if they were dopes. Well, maybe they are! The quality and style of written materials I find online have caused my brain to lock up! And before I realized it, I was following the same seventh-grade writing style. When I found out those characteristics were somehow expected to be in my pieces, too, I lost much of my enthusiasm to write articles. That saddened me! And I decided to sort more diligently what comes in, and toss all garbage out.  Thus, getting back to writing for passion and for igniting people's imagination, for creating a space where my readers and I can think and discuss - and not simply be convinced about prefabricated ideas.
I could list tens of thousands of websites alone just doing this favor of "keeping people informed for their own good". Whose good, again?
No wonder many people feel stuck and can't focus anymore. There is too much to pay attention to, and too much to distract coherent thought! Then come the "experts" saying it's Attention Deficit Disorder. Oh, really? "Take some drugs! Here is the pre$cription!"
Together with the information overload comes the passive social life. There is very little live action when almost everything has become virtual! I notice this especially among certain groups, totally embedded in their devices, news and social media world.
What I see happening is an imbalance between what comes in and what is done with it. I am reminding myself and you, if you will, that we ought to focus our attention on fewer and more enriching things, and do that well. We don't need to know everything that happens in the world. It wouldn't be productive anyway.
An overwhelmed state impairs learning and action. The solution for better focus and concentration is not in the pills, but in the conscious adjustment of our focus. It's a decision: we sort what comes in, keeping and using what's of value. And toss the garbage out!
There is always more coming! Let's just be vigilant.
Rose Taylor